Keynote DIDS 2023

Keynotes that will mark Serbian Internet Domain Day Conference (DIDS2023)

The traditional Serbian Internet Domain Day (DIDS2023) is being held on March 7, 2023, and organized by The Serbian National Internet Domain Registry Foundation (RNIDS). The selected venue is Vlada Divljan Culture Center in Belgrade, Serbia. The slogan of the DIDS2023 conference is Think Digital. Two conference keynotes will undoubtedly inspire the participants to switch […]


On Next Serbian Internet Domains Day (DIDS 2023), We Will Think Digital

The traditional Serbian Internet Domains Day will be held on Tuesday, March 07, 2023, at the Vlada Divljan Culture Center (City of Belgrade, 8, Mitropolita Petra St.). A significant jubilee will mark DIDS 2023 – 15 years from March 10, 2008, the inception date of .rs national domain registration. The organizer, The Serbian National Internet […]