Predrag Milićević
He is a marketing and communications advisor at RNIDS, where for the past twelve years he has been promoting products that have no size, no shape, no color, no smell, no taste, no weight… that are completely invisible and intangible, yet without which our everyday lives would look completely different.
The lecturer is on topics related to internet identity and branding, as well as various aspects of business presence on the internet.
One of the traditions of the Serbian Internet Domain Day are surveys, the results of which are published for the first time during the conference.
DIDS 2024 will not be an exception either. The survey named “Prevention of Security Risks for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises” is a useful resource not only for the participants of the event but also for the entire domestic Internet community.
This research represents a concrete contribution to the illumination of facts related to this current, very complex topic.
The research questions are:
- To what extent do small and medium-sized enterprises operating in the Republic of Serbia deal with risk prevention in the field of information security
- Are there differences in the prevention of security risks between companies of different sizes, business areas, and from different regions
- Where the risks to information security are greatest
The research was conducted by the Register of National Internet Domains of Serbia (RNIDS), on a random sample of small and medium-sized enterprises in Serbia, in the period from January 9 to February 2, 2024, using the telephone survey method (CATI).
The survey was conducted with owners, directors, or managers who were informed about the topic of security risk prevention in their respective companies.