Miloš Skokić

Miloš Skokić is the co-founder of the Žiška agency, creative director and content creator. He has been involved in advertising since 2013, with a focus on digital marketing and content. He became an entrepreneur in 2016, since then he has been focusing on the organization of creative work and advertising in general. He is a speaker at regional conferences, is one of the DIMAQ trainers, and often judges advertising festivals. He is constantly exploring formats and new creative expressions, and the Žiška podcast, his gaming YouTube channel and a TikTok profile dedicated to “geek” culture are some of the latest successful projects or just fun hobbies. It is difficult to decide.

Panel: The start of a great change

Just over a year after the seismic shift in the IT industry caused by ChatGPT, this session will explore the impact of the next generation of artificial intelligence on the field of creative expression. We will consider the scope and impact of models and tools for generating and processing text, images, video and music, analyse how they have changed the market and the way people work day-to-day, and explore what opportunities they have opened up, what risks they have brought with them, how we can adapt to these changes and where this great change is taking us.

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