Rastko Petaković

Rastko Petaković je stariji partner u Karanović & Partners, vodećoj regionalnoj advokatskoj kancelariji. Specijalizovan je za spajanja i akvizicije (M&A), pravo konkurencije i poslovnu regulativu, a nezavisni pravni direktorijumi ga već godinama rangiraju kao jednog od vodećih advokata u ovim oblastima. Ima bogato iskustvo u savetovanju klijenata u najsloženijim prevnim postupcima, a posebno se fokusira na napredne digitalne sektore, tehnologiju, medije i telekomunikacije.

Rastko je član upravnog odbora Digitalne Srbije i aktivan je član uglednih međunarodnh organizacija poput CIPE (Centar za međunarodno privatno preduzetništvo), kao i Američke advokatske komore. Dvostruki je dobitnik nagrade European Emerging Leaders Awards (M&A Advisor, 2015. i 2017.), a takođe je i autor podkasta k/talks.

The future of the Internet: Regulations, technologies and business horizons

This panel explores key aspects of the future of the Internet through the prism of global regulations, technological innovations and business trends. With the participation of both domestic and international experts, we discuss the implications of technology, regulation and AI on the development of the Internet and users. The panel will be moderated by Danko Jevtović, a member of the RNIDS Board of Directors. Panelist Kristijan Kaufman, a member of the ICANN Board of Directors, has been involved in Internet architecture for over 20 years and will give us insight into what changes and security challenges await us from the technological side. Rastko Petaković, a partner at Karanović & Partners, will provide insight into the legal challenges and regulations we expect. Mika Tasić, a technology strategist from England, will analyze the impact of new Web and AI technologies on marketing, business and growth strategies. Join us as we explore scenarios for the future of the Internet and ways to prepare for the coming changes.