Ivan Minić
Ivan Minić, graduate in engineering management, began his professional career in 2000, and in 2002 founded Burek.com, the largest internet community in the region with more than 2,200,000 members, as well as a game of knowledge and strategy called Conquiztador.
As a designer, developer and project manager he has worked on more than 350 projects for clients from 28 countries, in the last few years as part of Simplicity.rs. As a consultant in internet marketing he has worked with more than 50 of the world’s most famous brands in establishing their presence in the local market. He designed and launched MojaFirma.rs in partnership with Telenor Srbija.
He has organised and co-organised numerous professional gatherings and spoken at more than 150 events on the topics of entrepreneurship, marketing and business development and self-employment.
Since September 2015, he has been Deputy Chair of the Conference of Co-Founders of the Serbian National Internet Domain Registry, and since 2019, a member of the Foundation’s Board of Governors, which he has chaired since February 2021, having subsequently been re-elected for another term.
He currently edits and hosts the Pojačalo podcast as well as the Naša mreža project, a portal providing support and education to entrepreneurs, launched by A1 Serbia. He authors books and is the co-owner and creative director of Kliker IT Centre for Children, and much, much more besides.
From time to time a word or phrase emerges that quickly enters the vocabulary of business people, yet almost no one actually understands what it means. “Digital transformation” has been a major topic that everyone seems to have been wrestling with for the last 15 years, but when you try to think of good examples or case studies, there aren’t many. We will talk about why this is so, and demonstrate some positive examples and principles that can guide us in this process.